Councilors, see below.


ICANN Staff is preparing a community-wide survey on Gender Diversity and Participation. Before the survey launches, they are seeking feedback from SO/ACs on the draft (linked below).


Please review, and submit any thoughts or comments you’d like to share on this upcoming survey.


Thank you,




From: <> on behalf of David Olive <>
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 16:08

Cc: Sally Costerton <>, Ergys Ramaj <>
Subject: [SOAC-Leaders] Fwd: SOACs Feedback on the Draft Gender Diversity & Participation Survey by 20 May

Ergys Ramaj

Dear Community Leaders: 


Please review this message from


Sr. Director, Public Responsibility

As you are aware, the ICANN organization is planning to launch a survey on Gender Diversity and Participation in the ICANN community. The purpose is to determine current perceptions of gender diversity within the ICANN community and to identify potential barriers to participation. The document has gone through several rounds of reviews and is ready to be shared with SOACs for additional input. 


One important point is to clarify how this survey is different and/or complements the work currently taking place in the Work Stream 2 (WS2) Diversity subgroup. The questionnaire recently sent to the SOACs by the WS2 Diversity subgroup focuses specifically on SOACs current processes and procedures. On the other hand, the Gender Diversity and Participation survey aims to assess perceptions about gender and participation across all of the ICANN community. It also focuses specifically on gender as one aspect of diversity, following community calls for data pertaining specifically to gender. Other elements of diversity are being discussed in the WS2 Diversity subgroup and may be explored with future surveys.


Before we launch the survey, we would appreciate feedback from the SOACs by 20 May 2017


The current draft has benefitted from insights and input provided by members of the ICANN organization, Board, and WS2 Diversity subgroup. Here is a link to the survey: — Comments/suggestions/questions could be made on the document or emailed directly to me. 


Shortly following SOACs review, the survey will be advertised across the community. Responses will be anonymous, and survey responses will be used in accordance with ICANN’s Privacy Policy. The data will be analyzed to identify perceived gaps, trends, and potential next steps; a final report with the findings will be widely disseminated, and next steps will be up to the community.


Looking forward to any thoughts you may have and many thanks in advance. 


