Dear Council Members,


Ahead of the complete minutes please find the resolutions that were passed at the GNSO Council meeting on 29 January 2009.


Thank you.

Kind regards,



Motion 1

Election of GNSO Council vice chair


Council approved the election of Chuck Gomes as the GNSO Council vice chair for the period running concurrently with that of the GNSO Council chair for the period 1 February 2009 until the newly structured GNSO Council is seated and a new chair is elected.


Passed by voice vote.

One abstention from Chuck Gomes

Motion 2
Motion to approve Operation Steering Committee (OSC) charter
Motion proposed by Chuck Gomes seconded by Olga Cavalli



The motion passed unanimously by voice vote

Motion 3

Motion to approve Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) Charter

Motion proposed by Tim Ruiz, seconded by Greg Ruth


The GNSO Council reviewed and accepted the new GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan developed by the Planning Team at its 16 October meeting.

That Plan called for the creation of a Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) to oversee efforts to revise and enhance the GNSO’s Policy Development Process.

The PPSC was formed and held three teleconference meetings and conducted various online discussions as of 7 January 2009.

The PPSC reviewed and modified the draft PPSC Charter prepared by the 'GNSO Improvements Planning Team and recommends that the Council approve the revised draft Charter dated 7 January 2009 and contained at the committee’s wiki site at:


The GNSO Council approves the PPSC Charter and directs the PPSC to proceed in fulfilling the terms of that Charter.

The motion passed unanimously by voice vote


Motion 4
Motion re: Individual Users in the GNSO

Motion proposed by Chuck Gomes seconded by Bill Drake with friendly amendments by Alan Greenberg



The motion passed unanimously by voice vote



Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat