In terms of tracking progress, the EPDP Timeline included in the weekly update is too high level.  The EPDP Charter actually requires the EPDP Team to develop a work plan and submit it to the Council. Is the work plan posted on wiki ready for the Council? Would tracking progress against a detailed work plan make more sense?

See relevant excerpts from the EPDP Charter"

The EPDP Team shall respect the timelines and deliverables as outlined in Annex A and A-1 of the ICANN Bylaws and the EPDP Manual. As per the GNSO EPDP Working Group Guidelines, the EPDP Team shall develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the milestones of the EPDP as set out in Annex A and A-1 of the ICANN Bylaws and the EPDP Manual and submit this to the GNSO Council. Any significant updates to the work plan are expected to be communicated in a timely manner to the GNSO Council with an explanation as to why the work plan needed adjustment.

... the GNSO Council furthermore expects that the liaison:


  • ●  Will notify the Council in a timely manner should there be any adjustment to the work plan and, in particular, any delay that may be likely to occur in adhering to the agreed EPDP milestones.

The EPDP Team is expected to communicate in a timely manner should there be any adjustment to the work plan and especially any delay that may have occurred in meeting the EPDP milestones.

Kind regards,


Sender:Ayden Férdeline <>
Sent at:2018 Sep 4 (Tue) 08:45
To:Michele Neylon - Blacknight <>
Cc:Council GNSO <>
Subject:Re: [council] [revised] EPDP team weekly update

I don’t see this as micromanaging. We have delegated tasks. We have given the EPDP team a charter with the outcomes it should be seeking to achieve, and the autonomy to do just that. But we do need to check-in from time to time to make sure everything is on track. And the Council might need to ‘crack the whip’ if it becomes apparent that the driver has gone off-road. 

I am not asking for a lengthy weekly report; I am just asking for a brief one or two pager with only pertinent information (and not the message that the Council may want to communicate to external audiences, implying everything is swell) that will allow us to check-in and perform our oversight function.



On 4 Sep 2018, at 00:28, Michele Neylon - Blacknight <> wrote:


Our role as Council is to manage policy, but a good manager delegates. What you want sounds akin to micromanaging it, which is not our role.



Mr Michele Neylon
Intl. +353 (0)59 9183072
Sent from mobile so usual disclaimers about typos etc apply

On 3 Sep 2018, at 22:26, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:

Hi Michele,

I would like the update to actually reflect what topics the EPDP team is spending the bulk of its meetings discussing, and to highlight where there are challenges moving forward. It should also highlight where the Charter is unclear, or when documents are being provided with insufficient time for team members to review them. This is what I think the Council needs to be made aware of. 

This is a good supplementary report, but as we deliberate on PDP 3.0 and think about how we can improve that, being able to see what works and what isn’t working in the EPDP might offer us some lessons to repeat or not repeat.

I also think the report should explore how much progress has been made towards answering the questions that are outlined in the mission and scope of the EPDP's Charter.

Best wishes,


On 3 Sep 2018, at 23:09, Michele Neylon - Blacknight <> wrote:


If there’s something fundamentally going wrong within the ePDP both you and other members of the WG can surely signal it?

I’m not at all clear as to what kind of update you expect to be provided, especially as quite a few of us are tracking its work quite closely already



Mr Michele Neylon
Intl. +353 (0)59 9183072
Sent from mobile so usual disclaimers about typos etc apply

On 3 Sep 2018, at 19:53, Ayden Férdeline <> wrote:

I am reluctant to make this comment, but I think it is necessary. I do not see any substantial changes between the format of the previous report and this one. I don’t think this communicated anything useful then, and this update does not leave me with an accurate snapshot of the two two-hour long EPDP meetings that I sat through last week. We need something better. 

If there is a need for a report that will give the community confidence that multistakeholderism is working, fine, let’s use this one. But the Council, if it is to deliver proper oversight over this EPDP, needs a separate report that does not sugarcoat what is really happening within meetings and glosses over the challenges actually being faced. 

If this same reporting format is used again, I will raise this same objection again. 


On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 05:10, Rafik Dammak <> wrote:
hi all,

we made a small edit to the report, please find the new version attached.



Le lun. 3 sept. 2018 à 08:55, Rafik Dammak <> a écrit :
Hi all,

please find attached the EPDP team weekly report for last week.
we are continuing to tweak the report to highlight the progress.


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