Dear Councillors,


Attached please find the revised draft minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 7 January 2010.


The two Items that have been revised are Item 4 and Item 7.2.1 Action Items.


Item 4: The Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Implementation Working Team Final Report


Tina Dam provided the Council with a brief overview of the report as follows:


Tina has added the following report:

Variant Management

• A TLD applicant may request variant forms of a base label and must classify each variant as 'desired' or 'undesired';


 • Desired variants can be allocated to the applicant;


• Desired variants can be delegated to the applicant if the applicant agrees to conform to the Rules outlined under Section 3.3;


• Undesired variants will be reserved and neither allocated nor delegated.


Three-character Restriction in gTLDs

• Two-character gTLD strings can be allowed subject to conformance to the Rules outlined under Section 4.1.1;


• The team does not recommend the banning of the one-character gTLDs. This issue is a matter of policy and must therefore be addressed by bodies such as the ccNSO and GNSO;


• See Rules in Section 4.1.2.


Moving forward actions:


1) Review of received comments, comment forum closes 8 January 2010. This includes questions for clarifications of what a variant is and we are looking at that.

2) Initiation of DNAME analysis to determine whether it can be used for variant management.

3) Inclusion of the 2-character registrations in the Applicant Guide Book

4) GNSO/ccNSO work on the 1-character registrations


7.2.1 Draft Proposal for Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) Review Teams

Action Items:

•             Form a drafting team which is to select a lead person for coordination purposes

•             Draft comments on behalf of the GNSO

•             Agreed to provide comments as soon as possible so that the full Council can consider the proposal before the next Council meeting on 28 January 2010

•             Examine how the Council will endorse candidates

•             Establish a mailing list

•             Launch a call for volunteers on the GNSO Council mailing list to join the drafting team.

Please let me know if you would like any further changes to be made. If no comments are received, these minutes will be published, as approved  on the website on page

on Friday, 22 January 2010.


Thank you very much.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat