Hello Kiyoshi,
I hope the paper on the issues around new TLDs will be available by the meeting on 23 June.
We can then cover this topic under item 5.
Once the current sponsored round is complete - it would be particularly useful to get a paper from the staff (with Board input) on the difficulties faced by the staff and Board with this concept.
Bruce Tonkin

From: Kiyoshi I. Tsuru [mailto:ktsuru@bgmt.com.mx]
Sent: Friday, 17 June 2005 6:40 AM
To: Bruce Tonkin
Subject: Definition of Sponsorship

Dear Bruce,
Can we add to the discusion of next week the scope and definition of "sponsored" under the White Paper?
Thank you so much,

Kiyoshi I. Tsuru
Bello, Escalante, Morales y Tsuru, S.C.
Agustín Manuel Chávez 1 - 001
Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe
01210, México, D.F.
Tel. +52 (55) 5292-5232 x 105
Fax +52 (55) 5292-5233

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