Dear ICANN Community members:

In advance of the ICANN meeting in Costa Rica, I would like to call your attention to the progress that has been made on efforts to advance ICANN's accountability and transparency, specifically implementation of the Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT) Recommendations.  Status reports on ICANN's ATRT-related work are posted on ICANN's Accountability & Transparency web page.  For your convenience, links to recent highlights are included below:


·  At a glance: ATRT Implementation Status

·  ATRT Implementation Summary

·  WHOIS Community Review Team Seeks Public Comments

·  Action on ATRT Recommendations 15, 16, 17: Public Comment Processes

·  Action on ATRT Recommendation 5: Board Compensation

You are invited to share any input you may have about these activities at the public forum in Costa Rica.  


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need additional information.





Denise Michel
Advisor to the President & CEO

PS Staff can be available to answer questions about ATRT implementation, or to provide a more in-depth briefing for their group in Costa Rica if needed.  Just drop me an email if there is interest.