Thank you, James.

Councilors - please direct your questions to James, or let me know if there’s anything in this month’s report you’d like to raise during our call tomorrow.

Thank you,

James Bladel
GNSO Chair

On Sep 19, 2017, 10:33 -0500, James Gannon <>, wrote:

Please find below the Aug 2017 CSC Report, PTI once again achieved 100% compliance this month.
Unfortunately I will not be in attendance at ICANN 60 as I have just relocated from Dublin to Switzerland, but I believe that there are a number of sessions that councillors can take advantage of to ask questions of the CSC as we approach our 1 year anniversary.

Happy to coordinate any specific requests or to answer general questions as always!


James Gannon
GNSO Non-RySG Liaison to the CSC

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bart Boswinkel <>
Subject: [ICANN-CSC] CSC report PTI performance August 2017
Date: 19 September 2017 at 17:28:38 GMT+2

Dear all,
On behalf of the chair of the CSC (Byron Holland), please find included the latest CSC update and report.
Kind regards,
Bart Boswinkel
19 September 2017
Dear Community Members,
As chair of the Customer Standing Committee I am pleased to provide you with our monthly report on the performance of Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) over August 2017.  You will see that the CSC has concluded that, overall, PTI’s performance in August 2017 was “Excellent”- PTI met the service level agreement at 100% for the month of August 2017. The CSC was informed that no complaints were received in August 2017.
The August 2017 PTI report to the CSC, listing the individual service level metrics along with their actual and historical performance, can be found at: .
In addition to its review of the PTI report, the CSC together with PTI concluded their discussions on proposing adjusting 3 metrics. For details on these metrics you are referred to the CSC report. The CSC and PTI are in the process of developing metrics with respect to PTI’s procedures around the IDN Table repository. In parallel the CSC will propose changes to the procedure and timeline to change the agreed Service Level Expectations as documented in Annex A section 2 of the IANA Naming Functions Contract.
The CSC has regular meetings:  Every month at or around the 15th.  The CSC report on the PTI performance is send out shortly after each meeting.  If you would like to be informed of upcoming meetings or receive CSC reports directly, you may want to subscribe to our announce list at . Any comments on our reporting to you is welcome.
 The CSC became effective October 1, 2016. 
Background information on the committee along with transcripts of our meetings and other useful information can be found at[] .
Kind regards,
Byron Holland 
Chair CSC
ICANN-CSC mailing list