Dear Council colleagues,

A reminder below of the dates of the 4 currently open public comment periods for CCWG-Accountability WS2. The most immediate closing date is 15 December.

Many thanks and best wishes,



From: Bernard Turcotte <>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 21:37
To: "" <>, Accountability Cross Community <>
Cc: Bart Boswinkel <>, Marika Konings <>, Steve Sheng <>, Heidi Ullrich <>
Subject: [Ext] CCWG-Accountability-WS2 - Reminder of Public Consultations




As per its proposed schedule to complete its work by June 2018 the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 currently has 4 public consultations open:

·       Enhancing Accountability - Recommendations for Diversity – Open, closes 15 December

·       Recommendations to Improve ICANN's Office of Ombudsman (IOO) – Open, closes 22 December

·       Enhancing Accountability – Recommendations for Jurisdiction – Open, closes 5 January

·       Enhancing Accountability – Recommendations and Guidelines for Staff Accountability – Open, closes 5 January.

As explained and documented since ICANN 58 the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 will be publishing a final integrated report of all recommendations for public comment but will only be seeking comments on the resolution of any inconsistencies between the various individual report recommendations. As such, the community, including all SOs and ACs, are encouraged to provide any substantial comments they may have on the recommendations in the individual reports during the public consultations on these individual reports.


The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 would like to take this occasion to remind the community that these recommendations will affect all parts of the ICANN community directly and as such the community is strongly encouraged to take the time to consider these and comment during the public comment period. It is also important to note that although all comments are considered equally that it is just as important for the community to show support for those recommendations they agree with.


The CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Co-Chairs


Thomas Rickert, Jordan Carter and Tijani Ben Jemaa