Dear All,


Please find a brief GNSO Meeting Protocol for the upcoming meetings here in Brussels.


ˇ         Participation in GNSO Working Sessions is open to everyone.


ˇ         The GNSO working sessions are not official Council meetings and no Council decisions are taken.


ˇ         Councilors and the Policy staff responsible for presenting will have assigned seats with name cards around the U shape table. Other community participants are invited to be seated in the seats provided for the audience.


ˇ         Councilors are invited to speak first to the various topics.


ˇ         Community participants will then have an opportunity to speak. Speakers should be placed in the queue in order of their request.


ˇ         The chair will determine the length of time each speaker is allowed so that the session can finish on time.


ˇ         The number of times that one person can speak will be limited in order to give the entire audience an opportunity to express themselves and allow for diversity of different language speakers.



Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you.

Kind regards,


Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat