Dear Councilors,


This note is to inform you that, in accordance with the transparency requirements of the ICANN Bylaws (Article 3, Section 3.6), a public comment period has just been opened for the final recommendations from the reconvened PDP on Red Cross names: You will recall that the GNSO Council approved all the final PDP recommendations at its meeting in September 2018. This public comment proceeding is intended to provide a reasonable opportunity for public input on the proposed policy prior to Board action on the matter. In addition, the Bylaws permit the GAC to provide timely advice at this stage should there be any public policy concerns.


Staff currently anticipates that the Board consideration of the PDP recommendations can therefore take place in early 2019, following the close of the public comment period. At that time, staff will forward the PDP Final Report, the GNSO Council’s Recommendations Report (approved by the GNSO Council in October 2018) and any relevant public input to the Board. Under the ICANN Bylaws, the Board is also obliged to take into account any timely GAC advice that may be published.


Staff will continue to keep you informed of the status of this matter. Thank you.






Mary Wong

Vice President, Strategic Community Operations, Planning & Engagement

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


Telephone: +1-603-5744892