Thanks Liz.

In preparing the agendas for the forthcoming meetings, the minutes are an invaluable help. I would rank them as #1 in a list of priorities on this.

Second I would place the transcript, which I also consider, just like other Council members, to be more useful than the mp3.

I would therefore place the mp3 3rd in ranking. I've only listened to mp3s in the past because transcripts weren't available, and always found them to be less easy to use.



Le 22 nov. 2011 à 18:40, Liz Gasster a écrit :

Hi all,
I spoke with Glen about this and it seems that over the years there have been different preferences by the then-standing Councils and community, so the Secretariat has essentially tried to accommodate the preferences at the time.  Some have strongly preferred the edited, abbreviated minutes, others prefer the full transcript (in addition to MP3 recordings). 
In the case of Working Group calls, we only plan to offer MP3s and transcripts, but if there is a strong preference for minutes+transcripts+MP3s for Council calls, we will provide all three.  One suggestion – before you opt for one or the other – please check with your constituencies and stakeholder groups, who also may have strong preferences.  Unless we hear otherwise, we will go ahead and post all three formats for Council calls.
[Note that if the Council and GNSO community wanted to opt out of posting minutes, staff would not object – it takes staff time to produce minutes for each Council call – but we understand that minutes have been very much welcomed in the past and so if they continue to be viewed as valuable as a concise record of the voting and actions taken, we are pleased to continue to produce them.]
Best regards, Liz
From: [] On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [council] Meetings transscripts
Glen sent a transcript with the latest mp3 so it seems that this is possible ;)
FYI, it's a surprise to me. Perhaps our meetings have been transcribed all along and none of us knew about it. In which case, we must thank you Wolf for raising the issue. Certainly if it's being done anyway, there is no extra cost or complexity involved and it's therefore good-to-have.
Le 21 nov. 2011 à 20:42, <> a écrit :

I agree, some facts are needed, e.g. transscript session costs. Then we'll have a basis for further discussion.
Kind regards

Von: [] Im Auftrag von Stéphane Van Gelder
Gesendet: Montag, 21. November 2011 17:26
An: Alan Greenberg
Cc: Knoben, Wolf-Ulrich;
Betreff: Re: [council] Meetings transscripts

Let's wait until we have some feedback from Staff on all of this.
It does seem like there's an issue for some with the current system…
Le 21 nov. 2011 à 17:12, Alan Greenberg a écrit :

Stéphane, my assumption in making the suggestion was that the times would be noted as the meeting was proceeding, not that it be done after the fact. I suggested it because it would make the used of MP3s a lot easier. If it is not a practical suggestion, so be it.


At 21/11/2011 10:17 AM, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:


Who would do your suggestion #2? I'm not speaking for Glen, but I certainly don't think she would want to or have the time to. Also, the Council Leadership team checks the minutes of every meeting before they are published on the wider list. I can tell you that I would certainly not want to be checking and comparing mp3 recording times with the minutes when doing that.


Le 21 nov. 2011 à 15:28, Alan Greenberg a écrit :

Two thoughts on this:

1. I agree that we are custodians of the funds. As such, it would be quite useful for us to know approximately what it costs to create a transcript of a typical 2-hour meeting.

2. The MP3 would be (almost) infinitely easier to use if the minutes included a notation of the actual time each agenda item discussion started as well as the time that the recording started. Then one could home in on the correct section immediately. Even better if the agenda were updated after the fact to include this, so one would not need to wait for the minutes to be posted. The cost of doing this would be relatively low.


At 21/11/2011 07:30 AM, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:

Thanks Wolf.

This question has already come up several times in the past. I will let Staff answer this but I believe there are good budgetary reasons for not transcripting every meeting.

I would add that we, as a Council, are also custodians of ICANN community funds, just like anyone else in this community. My personal opinion is that if there are services available that offer sufficient flexibility to follow meetings (and I think having an mp3, minutes and a live audio feed is pretty good), we may want to think twice about asking for new things that may be costly to implement (I don't know if that's the case with this specific request).

Of course, if there is a clear need, we should look at that. So once again, Staff is probably best suited to provide you with background and a response on this.


Le 21 nov. 2011 à 11:34, <> <> a écrit :


A question came up whether transscripts are provided for the council meetings. I was of the opinion that's the case. But the Master calender on the publicly accessible GNSO webpage only shows transscripts from the ICANN public meetings. For the teleconference calls minutes and mp3s are provided.

Transscripts seem easier to be handled for searching specific items discussed at meetings, and there is definitely a need for this.

I'd like to bring this up for discussion as well as finding a council opinion on this. 

Kind regards 