Dear All,


The Council’s comment for the FY22 PTI-IANA Draft Operating Plan & Budget is now posted.


Thank you.





Berry Cobb

GNSO Policy Consultant

Principal | BAC in Black Consulting

Mob: +1 (720) 839-5735


From: council <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 15:41
Subject: [council] FY22 PTI-IANA Draft Operating Plan & Budget - Draft of Council Comments


Dear Council,


On behalf of John McElwaine and the SCBO, please find attached the GNSO Council’s draft of comments regarding the FY2022 PTI-IANA Draft Operating Plan and Budget. The public comment period closes 30 Nov 2020 at 23:59 UTC. Please review and submit any suggestions by 16:00 UTC, 30 Nov 2020. This will allow enough time for John to consider the changes as Chair of the SCBO prior to submission.


Absent objection, these draft of comments will become final and submitted to the comment proceeding tool just prior to the deadline.


Should you have any questions regarding the draft, please initiate it over the Council’s mailing list.


Thank you.





Berry Cobb

GNSO Policy Consultant

Principal | BAC in Black Consulting

Mob: +1 (720) 839-5735