diplomatic and yet gets the point across.  I support.

Best regards, 

Zahid Jamil
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On 6 Apr 2013, at 17:26, john@crediblecontext.com wrote:


In our conversations today triggered by the report on the Expert Working Group and the motion on the strawman, there was concern about the rise of policy development process work-arounds.

In an attempt to make the point to Fadi (and, by extension, the Board) by, as the song goes, accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative, I have drafted this short note that Jonathan might send this evening.

Give it a look and let me know.



DRAFT/letter to Fadi RE: directory data collection PDP


Because of the role played by the GNSO Council in managing the policy development process, we have been paying very close attention to the work of the expert working group on collecting and maintaining registration data.

We were, in fact, given a status report by staff today at our working session. This will help us in our work on the PDP requested by the Board.  In light of the legacy of WhoIs and the launch of new gTLDs, there are few issues of greater importance to ICANN.

It is our hope that the expert working group's findings will crystallize in the near-term and, once transmitted to the Council, lead to quick action on that PDP.

Our commitment is to move quickly, thereby reinforcing the method and value of the policy development process and limiting the likelihood that any single idea from the expert working group will get out ahead of the Council’s consideration.
