

An update. I understand that there is more than one expression of interest from GNSO participants in the CCWG.


It strikes me that we cannot evaluate these on subjective criteria e.g. a motivation statement from the candidate.


One (and perhaps the only) objective criterion that we could apply is participation in the CCWG to date. Logs of participation are recorded and so we have the data.

I propose to the Council that we do this and use the data to make an objective selection.


Since the GNSO participant will necessarily be from only one SG or Constituency, it seems reasonable to me that we impress on the selected participant / attendee that they take a broad GNSO perspective during the course of their participation in LA.

Further, that they remain receptive to input from other GNSO participants, as far as possible.






From: Jonathan Robinson []
Sent: 16 September 2015 13:49
Subject: ICANN Travel Support for 1 additional GNSO attendee to LA Meeting of CCWG - 25 & 26 September




ICANN has offered to support one traveller per chartering organisation in addition to the currently sponsored travel slots (primarily for members of the CCWG).


We do not have a simple process or mechanism to deal with this, especially in such a tight time frame.


Currently, Carlos (a GNSO Council member and participant in the CCWG) has volunteered to attend and take up this option.

Accordingly, please be aware of this offer and communicate any objections or concerns you may have.


Also, if you are aware of an active CCWG participant from within your SG who could make effective (for the benefit of the GNSO) use of such funding, please check their availability and make the name known.


If more than one candidate emerges, we may need to undertake some form of vote.




