Dear Councillors,


As discussed at the Council meeting on Thursday, 23 July 2015, please find the draft GNSO Chair election timetable and procedure that is published at:
This will be an agenda item for formal consideration and approval at the next Council meeting on Thursday, 3 September 2015, so you are encouraged to share any comments you may have on the dates and the procedure on the Council mailing list.

As a reminder, 'each house will be allowed to nominate one candidate for GNSO Council Chair. Each house is responsible for determining how to nominate its candidate. A candidate for GNSO Council Chair does not need to be a member of a house, but must be a member of the GNSO Council'. For further information, please see section 2.2 of the GNSO Operating Procedures (GNSO Operating Procedures v3. 24 June 2015 <>)

Proposed procedure in Dublin –October 2015


Each candidate will have the opportunity of meeting with Council Members during the GNSO working sessions in Dublin on the weekend of 17/18 October 2015 (remote participation possible).

Election of the chair by voting of the Council will take place during the Council meeting in Dublin on Wednesday, 21 October 2015.

In order for the vote to take place, the Council meeting will be split in two parts:

·       Standard, open and public Council meeting with the current Council.

·       Adjourn the meeting

·       Re-seat the Council with the new Councilors.

·       Re-start new meeting, with one specific agenda item: Election of the Chair


In summary, the timeline is as follows:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.
Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat