
The ccNSO Council call this morning was dominated, as many of our meetings have been, by motions. 

Administratively, they approved a timetable for the filling of five council seats coming open in March '15 (including that of chair, Byron Holland) and another one for the election of Board Seat 11, currently held by Mike Silber.  His term is up at the annual general meeting in Los Angeles.  It is possible for him to be re-elected.  And, finally, they re-appointed Juhani Juselius of Finland as their rep to the Nominating Committee.

On broader matters, they adopted the charter for the cross community working group on IANA Stewardship Transition on Naming Related Functions (with friendly amendment) & will issue a call for volunteers with participation not limited to ccNSO members.  This is a persistent topic for the ccNSO Council, allowing non-member ccTLD manager to participate.  Complementary to this was the creation of a standing ccNSO committee on IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee.  The boldface is mine to highlight the strong link the ccNSO puts between the two.  This reflects the GNSO view, too.

Let me know if you have questions.

