The Initial Comment Period for "Phase II of Public Comments Process Enhancements" Ends on 30 September 2011

30 September 2011

As an initial test of the "Reply Cycle" concept introduced within this solicitation, the comment forum on this topic will be extended for an additional 15 days (15 October). During this "Reply" period, contributors are asked to address only previously posted comments. Please do not use this extension to submit new comments about the topic. For each Reply, it will be helpful to everyone for the contributor to cite the original poster's name, comment date, and any particular text that is pertinent.

At the conclusion of the Reply Cycle, a consolidated Report will incorporate both the initial comment and subsequent reply periods.

To view comments previously submitted and to submit a reply, please see the Public Comment Box:

To view the original announcement, please see:

Filiz Yilmaz

Sr Dir Participation and Engagement