Thanks Justine.


Indefinite terms in charters is a leading cause of PDPs taking forever.  I think “consideration of the public interest where relevant" falls into that category.  Is there any way the Council can tighten up the text of the assignment so that a WG knows what to do?  Is it merely that public interest needs to be discussed or is it something more? 






From: council <> On Behalf Of Justine Chew via council
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 7:36 PM
To: Anne ICANN <>
Subject: Re: [council] PDP Improvements - status update


Thanks, Anne and Kurt, for reviving this thread.

I'd love to see a reference to "consideration of the public interest where relevant" mentioned in the PDP Charter Template, and wonder if Councilors might offer some input along this line.

Kind regards,



On Wed, 8 Mar 2023 at 09:39, Anne ICANN via council <> wrote:

I agree with Kurt and had made changes to the WG Charter template that addressed this very same issue.   Marika has those changes and acknowledged them in the SPS meeting in LA, indicating they would be made since no one on Council had objected.


Will staff please refer to the comments I made on the language in the proposed Charter template in order to modify this PDP language along the lines that Kurt has suggested?  That language included an obligation on the part of staff to raise issues both at the Charter stage and ongoing for  the  GDS staff liaison to raise those issues that may become apparent during the WG deliberations.  


An "umbrella" principle here is that staff should be better versed on existing ICANN policies than any volunteer Working Group Chair or member.  In addition, staff is compensated to perform this work whereas volunteers are not.  Agree with Kurt this shifts way too much responsibility to WG members.


Thank you,


Anne Aikman-Scalese

GNSO Councilor

NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024



On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 11:19 PM kurt via council <> wrote:

Hi All: 


With regard to the recommended change to the PDP Charter template: 


2.5 Impact on Existing Consensus Policies

If the WG concludes with any recommendations, the WG must consider any potential impact of these recommendations on existing consensus policies. If an impact is identified, the WG is expected to be explicit in this section about which consensus policies are impacted and how this impact is expected to be addressed, to facilitate the subsequent implementation process.


I am not for the wording and (I think) the intended spirit of this amendment: 

  • It could markedly increase the time and complexity of PDPs at a time we are trying to streamline them,
  • It requires expertise that the PDP team is unlikely to have.


My personal experience is from the Registration Data EPDP. There, the recommendations recognised that the Transfer Policy was rendered ineffective (it had been rendered ineffective for some time), and raised the question as to whether the Thick Whois Policy had been overturned. In the former case, the EPDP team did not have the necessary technical understanding of transfer requirements (and the Transfer Policy PDP is still at it, years later), and in the latter, it is not surprising that the EPDP team did not have the political will or consensus to make a call on the Thick Whois Policy. (I know there are nuances to these arguments, but I want to keep this short.)


If the new section 2.5 means some sort of lighter weight consideration, that is not clear. If it means that an allowable response is, “the PDP recognises this impact and expect the Council to address it," then it should explicitly allow that. In this lighter weight case though, I don’t see the value-add, as that already occurs. 


I’d be something along the lines of: 


2.5 Impact on Existing Consensus Policies

If the WG concludes with any recommendations, the WG must state whether it considered whether there is a potential impact of these recommendations on existing consensus policies. If an impact is identified, the WG should identify the Policies affected and whether there is consensus on how the impact is expected to be addressed. 


That way, the Council has a heads-up without imposing additional burdens on the PDP. 


I understand that some of my comments might be missing the intent of the new requirement. It is intended to start a discussion that might lead to a more specific, constructive outcome. 






On 23 Feb 2023, at 2:07 am, Marika Konings via council <> wrote:


Dear All,


Please note that an updated version of the PDP Improvements Tracker has been posted on the dedicated wiki page (see to reflect the current status of the different improvements. You’ll note that a couple of items have been completed and there is a proposed next step for improvement #3 for Council consideration (“Build meeting between ICANN Board and GNSO Council to present PDP Final Report into the project plan for ongoing PDPs so that a meeting between ICANN Board and Council can be scheduled well ahead of time”).


In relation to improvement #5, please find attached the proposed updates to the Initial Report template to address any direct or indirect implications on existing Consensus Policies, in line with the recent updates to the Charter Template (see redline on page 10). Please note that although the proposed next step identified the Final Report template as needing to be updated, we’ve realized that there is no Final Report template but it is the Initial Report template that is updated to become the Final Report. If you have any comments or concerns about this update, please share this with the Council mailing list by 24 March. If there are no comments / concerns received by that date, we’ll go ahead and post this updated version with the other GNSO Work Product templates (see


Best regards,



<Revised PDP WG Initial Report Template - 23 February 2023.docx>_______________________________________________
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