Thanks James!
Hopefully never too late to indicate an interest: I’d like to join the SelectCom, too.

Best regards


Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 2:43 AM
Subject: [council] Fwd: Request for Appointment of Members and Liaisons to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC)
Please see the announcement below and attached document from ICANN Staff regarding the appointment of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC). Note that the Selection Committee we defined earlier this week will evaluate candidates for the GNSO Liaison.
Please share with your ExComs and Stakeholders/Constituents.

Thank you,
James Bladel

Begin forwarded message:

From: Trang Nguyen <>
Date: June 1, 2016 at 17:52:29 CDT

Subject: Request for Appointment of Members and Liaisons to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC)

Dear Chairs and Co-Chairs,
Please see attached a request from ICANN for appointment of members and liaisons to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC).
Warm regards,
Trang Nguyen
Senior Director, Strategic Programs