Dear Council Members,

As discussed our last three Council meetings, we are currently seeking a volunteer for the GNSO Council Liaison to the Transfer Policy Review PDP – Phase 1. Please find below further information on the role.


  1. Council Leadership’s preference is a non-CPH councillor volunteer to fill this role because the current representative WG membership includes more CPH members than non-CPH members.


  1. Council Leadership’s preference is a volunteer who will not term out in 2023.


  1. The liaison does not need to be technically or substantively knowledgeable on the topic of domain name transfers, but it is important for the liaison to familiarize himself/herself with WG dynamics in the event any issues that require escalation to the GNSO Council occur during his/her tenure.


  1. Currently, the WG meets twice per week, and the meeting schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00 UTC – 17:30 UTC, with a 30-minute leadership call following these meetings. Following its finalization of its Phase 1(a) final report, the WG will likely revert back to 1 call per week for 90 minutes + one 30-minute leadership call per week.


  1. The current plan, while subject to change, is for Phase 1 to finish in Dec 2023 and Phase 2 to finish in Dec 2025.


  1. For further information on the role of GNSO Council Liaison to GNSO WGs, please refer to the role description.






Sebastien Ducos

GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager



France & Australia