Councillors, FYI.

I have responded to Katim explaining that as the GNSO Council has not approved the report yet, having a call may be premature at this stage.

Obviously, I would welcome any other input from any of you.

It does seem however that the Board is not clear on the fact that this report has not been approved. Discussions by them of a "way forward" on a report that hasn't yet been approved by us may just be thinking ahead, or it may be that they have not cottoned on to the fact that the report hasn't yet been approved...


Début du message réexpédié :

De : "Katim S. Touray" <>
Date : 23 mai 2011 03:13:11 HAEC
À : Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <>, Stéphane Van Gelder <>
Objet : Follow-up to the second JAS WG report

Dear Olivier and Stéphane,

First, let me congratulate you and your teams, as well as the JAS WG on their second report.  I've had the opportunity to go through it, and it's quality work.

To follow on the second JAS WG report, I would like to ask if you'd be interested in organizing a conference call for interested board members and the GNSO, GAC, and At-Large reps to discuss the status and way forward for the recently released JAS WG report. The idea was presented at the recently concluded board retreat in Istanbul that a public meeting on the JAS WG report (with the participation of the board and GAC) will be helpful, and toward this end, it would be useful to have a conference call.  Please let me know if this makes sense to you and let me know when you want to have the call, if indeed you want to have it.

Again, thanks to all of you and your teams for the great work you're doing on the issue!  I hope we'll all be able to come together to have a useful program we all can be proud of.  Have a great week, and best wishes!

