Dear Councilors,


Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday 25 August 2022. Please refer to the Action Item page for updates on item completion progress. 


Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.  

  Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.


Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below.




Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes) 


Approval of the 2022 Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Slate - In accordance with Section 17.2 (d) of the ICANN Bylaw and per the CSC Charter, the full membership of the CSC must be approved by the GNSO Council. The Council approves the full slate of members and liaisons, noting that the SSAC has declined to appoint a liaison:

Action Items: The GNSO Secretariat notifies ICANN Org staff supporting the CSC no later than 1 September 2022 that the GNSO has approved the 2022 CSC slate of members and liaisons.


Item 4: COUNCIL VOTE - Initiation of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support (20 minutes)


Action Items:


Policy support staff: 

  1. communicates the results of this motion to the GNSO SG/Cs as well as ICANN SO/ACs and invites them to identify Members for the Steering Group following the Steering Group composition described in the initiation request;
  2. communicates the results of this motion to the ICANN Org GDS Team and invites them to identify at least one (1) staff liaison for the Steering Group; and
  3. launches a call for expressions of interest seeking interested candidates to Chair the Steering Group.


Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Council Commitments Document (15 minutes)

Action Items: Councilors who have volunteered to assist Sebastien Ducos in the development of a revised draft Council Commitments document – volunteers during the meeting were: Stephanie Perrin, Paul McGrady, and Marie Patullo; other interested Councilors who may wish to volunteer should state their interest on the Council list.


Item 6. COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Preparation for Joint Meetings at ICANN75 (20 minutes)

Action Items: GNSO Liaisons to the ALAC and GAC (Justine Chew and Jeff Neuman, respectively) to develop draft agendas for the joint meetings at ICANN75 for the Council to review; Councilors may suggest any elements they would like to share with the ALAC on the SubPro ODP as well as topics for the Board.


Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - PDP Improvements Tracker - Review of Format (15 Minutes)

Action Items: Staff on behalf of leadership to send the survey to GNSO Councilors and the SG/C leaders to complete.



Item 9: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (10 minutes)


9.1 – Update on action items related to the Policy Status Report (PSR) for the Expired Domain Deletion Policy and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy

Action Items: None.


9.2 – GNSO Liaison to the GAC - Proposed approach for term limits

Action Items: Manju Chen and Stephanie Perrin, and other Councilors if interested, to suggest on the Council list any changes to the proposal for term limits for the role of the GNSO Liaison to the GAC.


9.3 – Closed Generics facilitated dialogue - Proposed approach for identifying the GNSO members

Action Items: Philippe to send a message to the SG/C leaders to request that they appoint members to the Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generics per the membership proposal.


9.4 – [NEW] DNS Abuse Small Team update

Action Items: None.