Please note the following agenda item for our 18 Nov Council meeting:

 Item 7: New gTLD Applicant Guidebook (30 minutes)

7.1 Refer to latest version of the guidebook: (Insert link)

7.2 Highlights (Kurt Pritz?)

7.3 Discussion

7.4 Action Items?

7.5 Joint Applicant Support WG (Rafik Dammak)

·       Refer to JAS WG recommendations: (Insert link)

·       Brief overview of recommendations (Rafik Dammak)

·       Refer to Motion to Extend the WG: (Insert link)

·       Discussion

·       Vote (Note that absentee voting does not apply)

7.6     VI PDP WG Interim Report

·       Refer to Report: (Insert link)

·       Brief overview of report (Council Liaison or Margie Milam)

Status of the WG?

In the 30 minutes allotted, we have an awful lot to cover, so it will be necessary for any questions for Kurt regarding the latest version of the guidebook be submitted in advance.  That will hopefully help us to organize the questions and facilitate quick responses.  It is likely that not all questions will be handled in the short time we have but maybe some can be answered on the list.

Please submit any questions for Kurt as soon as possible but definitely by close of business on Tuesday, 16 November.
