attempt at merger of both statements:

The GNSO Council had discussed with the Board during its meeting on Sunday that there were several instances where the GNSO Council was not involved prior the Board made decisions to seek community input. 

It is with disappointment that the GNSO Council noted that a resolution on the renewal of a contract was passed last weekend while this very matter is a topic for today's public forum. Parts of the community may deem their contributions moot when they are not considered by the Board prior to making a decision. 

We would like to explicitly point this out in order to make sure that community input is sought before resolutions are made and not afterwards when future meetings are planned.  This comment is not with regard to the merits of the Board’s action, it is for the constituencies or stakeholder groups to highlight those as they see fit.  However, we, the GNSO Council, find the process followed by the Board to be objectionable at a time when we are all being urged to advocate for the ICANN model at time of increased global scrutiny, we therefore have faith that the Board will in the future continue to maintain the highest standards of transparency and accountability that it is mandated to uphold. 

Best regards, 

Zahid Jamil
Jamil & Jamil
219-221 Central Hotel Annexe
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On 28 Jun 2012, at 12:10, "Jonathan Robinson" <> wrote:

I have no objection to this or similar.


I expect the statement (or a variant of it) crafted by David & Brian might come out via the IPC in the public forum.




From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Rickert
Sent: 28 June 2012 11:51
To: GNSO Council List
Subject: [council] draft statement on .com



here comes my proposed language for a statement that could be made by Stéphane.




The GNSO Council had discussed with the Board during its meeting on Sunday that there were several instances where the GNSO Council was not involved prior the Board made decisions to seek community input. 

It is with disappointment that the GNSO Council noted that a resolution on the renewal of the .com contract was passed last weekend while this very matter is a topic for today's public forum. Parts of the community may deem their contributions moot when they are not considered by the Board prior to making a decision. 

We would like to explicitly point this out in order to make sure that community input is sought before resolutions are made and not afterwards when future meetings are planned. 




Thomas Rickert, Attorney at Law
Director Names & Numbers

eco - Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V.

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eco - Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V.
Geschäftsführer: Harald A. Summa
Vorstand: Prof. Michael Rotert (Vorsitzender), Oliver Süme (stv.
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Vereinsregister: Amtsgericht Köln, VR 14478
Sitz des Vereins: Köln