Dear Councillors,

Please find the action items from the Council meeting on 4 September 2014.


Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

Petter Rindforth reminded Councillors that it was important to look at the projects and encourage constituency/stakeholder group members to take part in working and discussion groups;

Item 4: MOTION – A proposed modification of the GNSO's consensus recommendations relating to IGO acronyms and Red Cross identifiers

Action Item:
Communicate the intent to examine specific aspects to modify the GNSO's consensus recommendations relating to IGO acronyms and Red Cross identifiers to the NGPC.

Item 6: MOTION – Adoption of the charter for a cross community working group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions

Action Item:


ˇ       Alan Greenberg to communicate to the ALAC that the GNSO has voted on the original charter, as also adopted by the ccNSO and SSAC. Should there be any suggestions for additional amendments coming from the ALAC, these would need to be considered separately. 

ˇ       GNSO SGs invited to submit names of members by 15 September.


Item 7: DISCUSSION – The report of the ICANN Board Working Group on the Nominating Committee

Action Item:
A follow up conversation to be scheduled to take place during the next meeting and/or LA.

Item 10: Procedure to elect the GNSO Council Chair

Action Item:
Close Nominations 19 September 2014 at 23:59 UTC.
Candidate statement due 3 October no later than 23:59 UTC.

Please let me know if there is anything that should be added.
Thank you.

Kind regards,



Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat