Councillors, FYI and please pass on to your respective groups.


Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Début du message réexpédié :

De : Filiz Yilmaz <>
Objet : [soac-discussion] ICANN 43 Public Forum Agenda Building
Date : 6 février 2012 19:40:53 HNEC
À : "" <>
Cc : "" <>

[Sent on behalf of Steve Crocker]

Dear ICANN Community Leaders,

We are approaching ICANN 43 in Costa Rica, San José. 

As usual, we will have a Public Forum that will take place on Thursday, 15 March 2012, where Community members can make comments and ask questions to the Board and in front of the rest of the community.

We believe building the agenda with your input facilitates this forum process and results in a productive session with the subjects that the Community thinks are important to talk about.This has been the practice in the recent meetings and we would like to repeat it again for Costa Rica. 

We believe publishing the agenda as early as possible facilitates more informed discussions during the Public Forum as we have experienced in Dakar, allowing the Community ample time to be aware of the agenda topics before the meeting actually starts.  

Please let Filiz Yilmaz ( know of one or two suggested topics that your groups would like to see included in the Public Forum agenda in Costa Rica, before the end of Friday, 2 March 2012.
We will then review the suggestions, accommodate them as much as possible, combine common or related topics under one agenda topic and publish the agenda for the Public Forum after my approval. 

Thanks for your consideration and input. 

Kind regards,
Steve Crocker