Chair Nomination Process


Per the GNSO Operating Procedures referenced above (Section 2.2.b): “Each house will be allowed to nominate one candidate for GNSO Council Chair. Each house is responsible for determining how to nominate its candidate.” To allow for the possibility of a timely Council election process in Dakar, each house is asked to submit its nominee for Council chair for the term beginning at the end of the 2011 ICANN annual meeting not later than 12 October 2011.


Nominees shall submit a candidacy statement in writing to the GNSO Secretariat ( as soon as possible after they have been selected by their house and not later than 22:00 UTC on 14 October 2011.


A candidate for GNSO Council Chair does not need to be a member of the house selecting the candidate. Should the non voting NCA be elected as chair he/she would be a non-voting chair. The two houses may, separately, select the same candidate from the nominee pool if they so wish.

House nominations for Council Chair should be sent to The GNSO Secretariat will send each House’s nomination to the Council list as soon as it is received.


Voting Procedure


The candidates from each of the houses shall have the opportunity of meeting with Council Members during the GNSO working sessions on Sunday 23 October 2011. (remote participation possible)


Voting will take place during the Council meeting in Dakar on Wednesday, 26 October 2011. In order for this to happen, the Council meeting will be split in two parts:


· Full Open Council meeting with the current Council.

· Seat the new Councillors. Start new meeting, with one agenda item: the Chair election.


Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat