Thanks for figuring a way out, Heather, I also agree.


Expecting a call + selection completed by SOs/ACs in less than a month may not be that much of a challenge for the most agile, but for a post EPDP chartering GSNO it may be a lot to ask at the end of the summer season of the northern hemisphere. We’re lucky that the leadership can step in.




From: council [] On Behalf Of Heather Forrest
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 2:12 PM
To: Martin Pablo Silva Valent
Cc: GNSO Council List
Subject: Re: [council] Nominations to the ICANN Fellowship Selection Committee and Guidance on Outreach Goals


Many thanks, Rafik, for making sure that these issues around the Fellowship Program don't fall off our radar. Thanks also to Martin for volunteering.


We need to appoint a GNSO (as opposed to GNSO Council) representative - which is not at all to say that a member of Council couldn't serve in this capacity, but merely that we need to ensure that the call for volunteers goes out to the entire GNSO community. The first step will be to develop and run the call for volunteers. I suggest after that we follow the process that we now have well established in instructing the Standing Selection Committee to review all applications received. 


The one difficulty we have is that we're a bit behind, and the deadline for notifying of our GNSO rep is Monday. We definitely can't get the call for volunteers out and applications done and reviewed by SSC in that time. Here's one option for a way forward - I'm happy to volunteer in my capacity as GNSO Chair to sit on the selection committee in the interim until the applications process has run its course (we'll get that underway immediately, depending on responses to this email).


Please post your thoughts so that we can take appropriate action ASAP.


Best wishes,




On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 9:04 AM Martin Pablo Silva Valent <> wrote:

I also volunteer for such small team and as a member to the selection committee.




On 30 Aug 2018, at 19:54, Rafik Dammak <> wrote:


hi all,


I am sending this note as ICANN org published an update on the fellowship program

  1. Provide input for two-year outreach and promotion goals
  2. Nominate ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Committee Members for two-year terms


For the first item, the council can have a small team of volunteers to work on giving guidance regarding the goals. I am happy to volunteer to lead such an effort and looking forward to hearing of others want to join in order to fill the form (attached). We can use this opportunity to set goals for bringing specific needed expertise and skills as a diversity goal for example for those to participate in PDP WGs. 


For the second item, as SO the GNSO should appoint a member to the selection committee and we expressed previously the interest to be involved in such a structure. Usually, we task the SSAC to conduct such process but in this case, we got a time constraint here since the deadline is the 10th September.





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