Dear Councilors,


Thank you to the Councilors who have volunteered to join the Small Team to draft the GNSO Council response to the ICANN78 GAC Communiqué.  Below and on the Wiki is the list of volunteers, along with Jeff Neuman as GAC Liaison, that staff has captured.  Please let us know if we have missed anyone or reply by COB today if you are interested in joining:


Bruna Martins dos Santos

Manju Chen

Susan Payne  

Wisdom Donkor 

Lawrence O. Olawale-Roberts

Jennifer Chung


After we finalize the list of volunteers staff will circulate a Doodle poll to schedule a meeting. Volunteers also should refer to the Wiki for the Assignment Form and the input templates.


Kind regards,



From: council <> on behalf of Julie Hedlund via council <>
Reply-To: Julie Hedlund <>
Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 4:20 PM
To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [council] GAC Communiqué -- GNSO Council Input


Dear Jeff,


Thank you very much for circulating the GAC Communiqué.  The action items from last week’s Council meeting and wrap up will be sent separately to Council, but in the meantime we’ll note the following action item relating to your questions:


“Item 3. GAC Communiqué Review - GNSO Council input

Action Items: Interested GNSO Councilors to join Jeff Neuman, GNSO Liaison to the GAC, in drafting the response to the GAC Communiqué.


We didn’t capture volunteers during the wrap up session when this topic was briefly discussed, but Councilors are encouraged to indicate their interest in working on the response to the Communiqué by responding to this message and then staff will set up a Doodle to schedule a meeting.


Kind regards,



From: council <> on behalf of jeff--- via council <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 3:21 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [council] (no subject)



Dear All,


Please find enclosed the GAC Communique which has lots of issues of importance, but only 1 piece of GAC Consensus Advice and on Closed Generics and some follow up advice.


Can ICANN staff please circulate the names of the volunteers to work on a response as well as a Doodle for a call?  I would love to have this circulated in time for the next Council meeting a couple of weeks from now.



Jeff Neuman

GNSO Liaison to GAC