Hi Nathalie, 

is it possible to issue 
a set of placeholder calendar invites?
(so we do not plan overlapping items, like SubPro PDP is 02nov2020 20.00UTC, 
probably overlapping with this 02Nov2020 19.00 UTC session)

Sincerely Yours,

Maxim Alzoba
Special projects manager,
International Relations Department,

Current UTC offset: +3.00 (.Moscow)

On 16 Oct 2020, at 17:55, philippe.fouquart@orange.com wrote:

Hi Jeff.


Thanks for pointing that out, we clearly missed that in our clash list, and certainly don’t want to stand in the way of anyone’s electoral duty (literally :).


We would then change 3rd to 2nd.


·         2nd November 2020: Meet & Greet

·         5th November 2020: GNSO Council Opportunities and Threats brainstorming session

·         10th November 2020: Topic-based plenary session

·         12th November 2020: Breakout session on first topic

·         17th November 2020: Breakout session on second topic

·         19th November 2020: GNSO Council meeting

·         24th November 2020: SPS Wrap-Up

·         Council development activity: tbd




Pam, Tatiana and Philippe


From: Jeff Neuman [mailto:jeff@jjnsolutions.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 5:16 PM
To: Pam Little <pam.little@alibaba-inc.com>; Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@icann.org>; Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@gmail.com>
Cc: Ariel Liang <ariel.liang@icann.org>; Berry Cobb <policy@bacinblack.com>; Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@icann.org>; Emily Barabas <emily.barabas@icann.org>; Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@icann.org>; Keith Drazek <kdrazek@verisign.com>; Steve Chan <steve.chan@icann.org>; carlton.samuels@gmail.com; DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase@amazon.com>; farell@benin2point0.org; fpetillion@petillion.law; gnso-secs@icann.org; john.mcelwaine@nelsonmullins.com; jumaropi@yahoo.com; Kristian Ørmen <kristian@larsendata.dk>; kurt@kjpritz.com; m.alzoba@gmail.com; marie.pattullo@aim.be; mark@governanceprimer.com; mesumbeslin@GMAIL.COM; onovoa@antel.com.uy; FOUQUART Philippe TGI/OLN <philippe.fouquart@orange.com>; rafik.dammak@gmail.com; sebastien@registry.godaddy; stephanie.perrin@MAIL.UTORONTO.CA; tatiana.tropina@gmail.com; tomwdale@gmail.com; wisdom.dk@gmail.com
Subject: RE: 2020-2021 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session




I recognize that I am not on the Council yet and still need to get voted in, but I want to note that November 3rd here is Election Day in the US and would ask if there was any flexibility to move that date.


I am volunteering as a poll worker and I am sure others are going to be waiting on very long lines to vote.






Jeffrey J. Neuman

Founder & CEO

JJN Solutions, LLC

p: +1.202.549.5079

E: jeff@jjnsolutions.com




From: Pam Little <pam.little@alibaba-inc.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 11:03 AM
To: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@icann.org>; Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@gmail.com>
Cc: Ariel Liang <ariel.liang@icann.org>; Berry Cobb <policy@bacinblack.com>; Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@icann.org>; Emily Barabas <emily.barabas@icann.org>; Jeff Neuman <jeff@jjnsolutions.com>; Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@icann.org>; Keith Drazek <kdrazek@verisign.com>; Steve Chan <steve.chan@icann.org>; carlton.samuels@gmail.com; DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase@amazon.com>; farell@benin2point0.org; fpetillion@petillion.law; gnso-secs@icann.org; john.mcelwaine@nelsonmullins.com; jumaropi@yahoo.com; Kristian Ørmen <kristian@larsendata.dk>; kurt@kjpritz.com; m.alzoba@gmail.com; marie.pattullo@aim.be; mark@governanceprimer.com; mesumbeslin@GMAIL.COM; onovoa@antel.com.uy; philippe.fouquart@orange.com; rafik.dammak@gmail.com; sebastien@registry.godaddy; stephanie.perrin@MAIL.UTORONTO.CA; tatiana.tropina@gmail.com; tomwdale@gmail.com; wisdom.dk@gmail.com
Subject: Re: 2020-2021 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session


Dear Olga,


Long time no see! Congratulations and welcome to the Council. 


With regard to your query, please plan the sessions to last around 90-120 minutes. 


We are delighted that you are willing to assist with the SPS and will reach out later on. 


Kind regards,





Sender:Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@gmail.com>

Sent At:2020 Oct. 15 (Thu.) 20:28

Recipient:Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@icann.org>

Cc:Ariel Liang <ariel.liang@icann.org>; Berry Cobb <policy@bacinblack.com>; Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@icann.org>; Emily Barabas <emily.barabas@icann.org>; Jeff Neuman <jeff@jjnsolutions.com>; Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@icann.org>; Keith Drazek <kdrazek@verisign.com>; Steve Chan <steve.chan@icann.org>; carlton.samuels@gmail.com <carlton.samuels@gmail.com>; "DiBiase, Gregory" <dibiase@amazon.com>; farell@benin2point0.org <farell@benin2point0.org>; fpetillion@petillion.law <fpetillion@petillion.law>; gnso-secs@icann.org <gnso-secs@icann.org>; john.mcelwaine@nelsonmullins.com <john.mcelwaine@nelsonmullins.com>; jumaropi@yahoo.com <jumaropi@yahoo.com>; "Kristian Ørmen" <kristian@larsendata.dk>; kurt@kjpritz.com <kurt@kjpritz.com>; m.alzoba@gmail.com <m.alzoba@gmail.com>; marie.pattullo@aim.be <marie.pattullo@aim.be>; mark@governanceprimer.com <mark@governanceprimer.com>; mesumbeslin@GMAIL.COM <mesumbeslin@gmail.com>; onovoa@antel.com.uy <onovoa@antel.com.uy>; PAMELALITTLE <pam.little@alibaba-inc.com>; philippe.fouquart@orange.com <philippe.fouquart@orange.com>; rafik.dammak@gmail.com <rafik.dammak@gmail.com>; sebastien@registry.godaddy <sebastien@registry.godaddy>; stephanie.perrin@MAIL.UTORONTO.CA <stephanie.perrin@mail.utoronto.ca>; tatiana.tropina@gmail.com <tatiana.tropina@gmail.com>; tomwdale@gmail.com <tomwdale@gmail.com>; wisdom.dk@gmail.com <wisdom.dk@gmail.com>

Subject:Re: 2020-2021 GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session


Dear Pam, Tatiana and Philippe,


I trust this email finds you well and in good health.


Many thanks for the detailed message.

Dates and timing are clear and fIne for me. In order to organize my schedule, for how long are these meetings expected to last?


Also I would be willing and happy to assist with this effort.


Finally let me thank Nathalie for her detailed explanation of all the documents and online GNSO resources. Very helpful!


Looking forward to working with you.


Best regards


Olga Cavalli




El El jue, 15 oct. 2020 a la(s) 04:21, Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@icann.org> escribió:

** Sent on behalf of Philippe Fouquart, Pam Little, Tatiana Tropina.**
Dear seated and incoming Councilors,


Thank you for the input provided on the Strategic Planning Session survey. With the support of the GNSO policy staff support team, we would like to put forward the following approach and proposal for this year’s Council SPS.


Proposed themes & objectives:


  1. Welcome and integration of new Council members in a virtual environment
    • Ensure that (new) Council members are familiar with key documents and information concerning the GNSO Council’s role and responsibilities;
    • Create an environment of collegiality and trust; 
    • Develop practical skills and knowledge that contribute to fulfilling the role of a GNSO Council member. 
  1. Empowering the GNSO Council to deliver on its priorities and commitments
    • Ensure a common understanding of the Council’s priorities and commitments for the year ahead; 
    • Evaluate and identify working methods that empower the GNSO Council with the contribution from all Council members to deliver on its priorities and commitments;
  1. Council Action / Decision Radar – from theory to practice, how to align program management with resources. 
    • Develop understanding and tools that allow for the alignment of program management with the resources available and/or identification of resources needed;
    • Based on this understanding, review the Council ADR to ensure that the Council will be able to deliver on the priorities and commitments it has identified for the year head. 


Proposed approach – theme 1 (Welcome and integration of new Council members in a virtual environment)


  • Required reading & viewing -a google drive folder has been prepared with the most pertinent information / presentations for Council members to review (see https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19XhUXvQzGF6cq7MBkua7BOaILoIoD4kl?usp=sharing). An overview of the documents included in this folder can be found for your reference below. Council members are encouraged to follow up with the GNSO policy staff support team if they have any follow up questions or would like to discuss any of the materials reviewed in further detail. 


  • Virtual meet and greet session – Council members will get to know each other better by participating in the ‘who are your fellow Council members’ quiz. 


  • GNSO Council Opportunities and Threats brainstorming session – Outgoing Council members and GNSO SG/C leaders will be invited to share their perspectives on the most pressing issues for the Council to focus on going forward. In addition, they will be encouraged to provide their guidance as well as tips & tricks to new Council members. The output of this meeting is expected to help inform the discussions during subsequent SPS sessions. 


  • Team Development event - the concluding plenary session will be followed by a team development event – further details to follow.


Proposed approach – themes 2 & 3 (Empowering the GNSO Council to deliver on its priorities and commitments & Council Action / Decision Radar – from theory to practice, how to align program management with resources)


  • Each of these topics will be introduced during a plenary session which may be accompanied by a pre-recorded webinar that will contain required preparatory materials. Following the plenary session, breakout sessions for each theme will be organized, allowing for Council members to participate in a time zone that is convenient for them. During these breakout sessions, Council members are expected to deliberate on a number of questions related to each theme focused on developing solutions and proposals to address the issues identified during the plenary session. Rapporteurs and/or Staff will be responsible for bringing together the conclusions from the different breakout sessions that would be discussed / reviewed in a concluding plenary session in week 3.


  • Concluding plenary session – during the concluding plenary session the outcomes from each breakout session will be presented with the objective to identify common approaches and solutions that the Council can implement in the coming year that will help empower the Council to deliver on its priorities and commitments.


Practical information:


Proposed dates


·         3rd November 2020: Meet & Greet

·         5th November 2020: GNSO Council Opportunities and Threats brainstorming session

·         10th November 2020: Topic-based plenary session

·         12th November 2020: Breakout session on first topic

·         17th November 2020: Breakout session on second topic

·         19th November 2020: GNSO Council meeting

·         24th November 2020: SPS Wrap-Up

·         Council development activity: tbd


All preparatory documents will be distributed to the GNSO Councilors shortly.
Regarding the timing of breakout sessions, several options will be offered to ensure full participation. Concerning the plenary sessions the 19:00 UTC (11:00pm LA, 14:00 DC, 20:00 Paris, 06:00 Sydney) seems to avoid horrendous times for the majority of councilors.


The rules of engagement are expected to be aligned as much as possible with previous SPS meetings (e.g. Chatham rules, no observers – Council members + GNSO Liaison to the GAC only plus GNSO policy support staff).  


We also appreciate that several of you have indicated your willingness to assist with this effort. We expect that as planning further progresses, we will reach out to you for assistance as needed. Of course, in the meantime, if you have any feedback or questions, feel free to let us know.


Pam, Tatiana and Philippe


Preparatory materials available in google drive:


  • GNSO Operating Procedures
  • Overview of Empowered Community and related procedures (see also https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/procedures for Guidelines and Templates that Help the GNSO Fulfill Its Role & Obligation as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community)
  • Article 11 of the ICANN Bylaws (Generic Names Supporting Organization)
  • Annex A of the ICANN Bylaws - GNSO Policy Development Process
  • Annex A1 of the ICANN Bylaws - GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process
  • Annex A2 of the ICANN Bylaws - GNSO Guidance Process
  • Implementation Review Team Principles and Guidelines
  • Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (CPIF)
  • Picket Fence presentation by Becky Burr
  • Slides and recording of 2020 SPS Pre-Webinar
  • 2020 SPS Meeting Report
  • Recording of GNSO Work Prioritization Webinar

Slides and recording of PDP 3.0 Webinar


You are expected to familiarize yourself with all these materials, if you have not done so yet. 


Kind regards,


Philippe, Pam, Tatiana



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