Dear Councilors,


If you are a subscriber to the twice-weekly Community Leadership Digest, you may have already seen that, at its meeting this past Sunday (30 April), the ICANN Board voted to adopt the GNSO’s policy recommendations on curative rights protections for International Governmental Organizations (IGOs). These are the two sets of recommendations from two GNSO policy processes that had been pending before the Board. In summary, the Board voted to adopt the four recommendations that the Council approved (out of five) from the PDP on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Mechanisms in 2019, as well as the five Full Consensus recommendations that the Council approved from the subsequent EPDP on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs in June 2022.


You can find the Board resolution and accompanying rationale here:


In accordance with the Board’s direction, staff from the Policy and GDS teams have begun to discuss implementation planning and the Board’s request for an implementation plan.  We will come back to the GNSO Council once we are in a position to share our thinking about next steps for implementing these two sets of recommendations. Thank you!


Incidentally, if you are not currently a subscriber to the Community Leadership Digest but would like to receive these twice-weekly updates from ICANN org, please sign up here: You can view all prior issues of the Digest here:


Thanks and cheers
