Dear Councillors,


Please find the actions items arising  from the GNSO Council meeting on 20 July 2012.


Item 3: Final Elections procedure

Action Items :

·         The Council adopted the elections procedure

and each house is asked to submit its nominee for Council chair for the term beginning at the end of the 2012 ICANN annual meeting not later than 26 September 2012.  Nominees shall submit a candidacy statement in writing to the GNSO Secretariat ( as soon as possible after they have been selected by their house and not later than 22:00 UTC on 28 September 2012.


·         Stéphane van Gelder to contact the Nominating Committee chair for confirmation that the positions on the Council  of the Nominating  Committee appointees to the GNSO Council will be designated by the Nominating Committee itself.


Item 4: Thick Whois Policy Development Process PDP

Action Item:
Council agreed to launch the policy development process (PDP)  A call for Volunteers for Drafting Team to develop Charter for ‘thick’ Whois Policy Development Process Working Group (PDP WG) will be announced.  Please contact the GNSO Secretariat <> if you would like to join the drafting team.

Item 5: Whois Review Team Final Report

Action Item:

The GNSO Council should provide a written response to the ICANN Board by 31 August 2012 and an initial draft of the letter should be sent to the Council mailing list for further discussion before the letter is approved and sent to the Board. Brian Winterfeldt, as the lead assisted by Wendy Seltzer and Thomas Rickert, volunteered to draft the initial response which will be sent to the Council mailing list for comments.


Item 7: Fake Renewal Notices

Action Item :

Mason Cole volunteered to confer with the Registrar Stakeholder Group and find out what solutions the Registrars can offer to deal with bad actors and return to the Council with proposals for options, or solutions, or next steps on this issue.

Item 8: Internationalised Registration Data WG Final Report


Action Item:

·         Send a letter from the GNSO chair to the ICANN Board requesting the implementation plan time-lines and clarifying that any policy implications in implementing the recommendations will have to be considered by the GNSO Council. Ching Chiao volunteered to draft the letter and send it to the Council mailing list for comments.


·         It was suggested that the draft letter be placed on the consent agenda for the next Council meeting.


Item 9: GNSO Review


Action Item:

Form a small informal group to examine possible actions ahead of the 2013 ICANN bylaws-mandated review. Wolfgang Kleinwächter volunteered to lead the group along with Stéphane van Gelder, Bill Drake, Zahid Jamil and Wendy Seltzer.

Others interested in joining the group should indicate their participation on the Council mailing list


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat