
FYI, please find below a copy of the email I sent to Leslie Cowley, Chair of the ccNSO, further to the action item that came out of our last meeting and vote on the JIG motion.



Début du message réexpédié :

De : Stéphane Van Gelder <>
Objet : GNSO Council motion to extend the JIG charter
Date : 27 juillet 2011 20:12:31 HAEC
À : Lesley Cowley <>
Cc : Edmon Chung <>, Jeff Neuman <>, Mary Wong <>

Dear Leslie,

In my capacity as Chair of the GNSO Council, I am writing to inform you of the motion the Council passed at its July 21 meeting.

Please refer to motion #2 on this page:

I would draw your attention to the resolve clause which reads:

The JIG Working Group is extended through 2012 to complete work items Two (2.  IDN Variant TLDs) and Three (3. Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs ) from the original charter. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

