Councillors, FYI.

This email is more specifically meant for the two candidates for the Chair position, as on Thursday it is my hope that one of them will have been elected. If that's the case, then they may want to attend this.

If no Chair has been elected, than the newly nominated Vice Chairs will be taking over the leadership positions until a new election can be held. It is therefore important that each house be in a position to inform Glen and I of their choice for Vice Chair by Wednesday in Toronto.

Let me also take this opportunity to inform the Council that, although technically Chair until the end of the Toronto meeting, I will of course not be expecting to continue Chairing after the first meeting of the new Council on Wednesday (the one where we will hold the Chair election). I would therefore expect the new Chair, or the Vice Chairs if no Chair is elected, to lead the Council's Thursday wrap-up session. In any event, the new position I am moving on to will require me to be in another meeting on Thursday.
