Hi Ed. 

Sorry for the error. If you can send the links as you'd like them to appear, we will send a correction. 


Sent via iPhone. Blame Siri. 

On Dec 24, 2015, at 16:01, Edward Morris <egmorris1@toast.net> wrote:

Hi James,

Thanks for all of your hard work on this.

There is a mistake in the links section of your letter to the CCWG Chairs. The Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG) and the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) submitted separate public comments. They are both attributed, below, to the NCUC. The NCSG statement was drafted with participation of members of both the NCUC and NPOC and was endorsed by the policy committee of the NCSG, which consists  of representatives of both constituencies. The NCUC and NPOC statements  were drafted by and endorsed by the appropriate committees of each constituency.

Although similar in content (as are to each other the three statements submitted by members of the Commercial Stakeholders Group) there are differences between the three noncommercial comments that should be acknowledged and properly respected as we begin the process of consolidation. I realize that it is rare for the three non-commercial entities to all submit comments on a topic yet when there are differences in approach, such as here, it does happen. 

I would respectfully request that your letter be corrected and re-sent. I certainly don't want the Chairs or one of us to skip over a full set of comments on the mistaken belief that the NCUC sent the same set of comments to the list in different forms when, in fact, that is not the case. One of the comments attributed to the NCUC is actually a submission by the NCSG.


Ed Morris

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 24, 2015, at 5:03 PM, Marika Konings <marika.konings@icann.org> wrote:

For your information.

Best regards,


From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@icann.org>
Date: Thursday 24 December 2015 at 10:55
To: León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>, Mathieu Weill <mathieu.weill@afnic.fr>, Thomas Rickert <thomas@rickert.net>
Cc: Grace Abuhamad <grace.abuhamad@icann.org>, Alice Jansen <alice.jansen@icann.org>, "James M. Bladel" <jbladel@godaddy.com>
Subject: GNSO review of Third Draft Proposal

Sending on behalf of James Bladel, GNSO Chair:

Re: GNSO Review of Third Draft Proposal
24 DEC 2015

Dear Mathieu, Thomas, and Leon:

Earlier this week, 21 Dec 2015, marked the close of the Public Comment period covering the Third CCWG-Accountability Draft Proposal. Unfortunately, due to the size and diversity of the organizations that comprise the GNSO, and the compressed time frame, we were unable to develop a unified GNSO response to the 12 Recommendations of the CCWG-Accountability by the close of the comment period.

Listed below are links to comments and survey responses submitted on behalf of GNSO Stakeholder Groups (SGs) and Constituencies (Cs).  Additional submissions were made on behalf of individuals and organizations that participate in the GNSO from within one or more SG/C.  We have formed a team tasked with analyzing these responses, and using them to draft a harmonized position for consideration by the GNSO Council in a special session convening on 14 January 2016 Presuming this position is successfully adopted, it will be transmitted to you immediately following this session.

Once again, please accept our gratitude for dedication and patience in shepherding this enormous and historic work unit over the past year.  We are very near the finish line, and look forward to further contributing our thoughts to this document, and the Final CCWG-Accountability Proposal.

Thank you,

James Bladel
GNSO Chair

Registry Stakeholder Group (RySG):

Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG)

Intellectual Property Interests Constituency (IPC), Commercial Stakeholder Group

Internet Service Providers Constituency (ISPC), Commercial Stakeholder Group

Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC), Commercial Stakeholder Group

Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC), Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group

Non-Profit Organizations Constituency (NPOC), Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group