GNSO Councilors,


Please find attached and extraction of the responses by ICANN Finance staff to the Council’s public comment submission regarding ICANN’s FY17 draft budget.  The MS Word document only contains responses to the GNSO Council, as the original Public Comment report is well over 150 pages.  I also attached the original submission to the PCF for your reference. Links to the PCF and report are posted below.  It is expected that the ICANN Board will deliberate and vote on the FY17 Draft budget at its next meeting.


Public Comment Forum:


PCF Report from staff:


Please let the Policy staff know if you have any additional questions or require clarification.


Thank you.




Marika Konings

Senior Policy Director & Team Leader for the GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



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From: <> on behalf of Marika Konings <>
Date: Tuesday 7 June 2016 at 02:07
To: "" <>
Subject: [council] FW: [community-finance] Report on Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update


For your information.


Best regards,




Marika Konings

Senior Policy Director & Team Leader for the GNSO, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 



Follow the GNSO via Twitter @ICANN_GNSO

Find out more about the GNSO by taking our interactive courses and visiting the GNSO Newcomer pages.



From: <> on behalf of Leo Vegoda <>
Date: Monday 6 June 2016 at 17:33
To: "" <>
Subject: [community-finance] Report on Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update


Dear Community Leaders and Members,


I have attached the Report on Public Comments for the Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update to this message. The scale of comments we received this year is much higher than last year. Providing substantive responses to the comments means that the report is over 100 pages long.


There is a high-level summary of the comments we received, organized by theme, at the start of the report. The detailed responses are structured using the same themes in an appendix to the main report. We appreciate that people might want to sort through the responses differently, so we have also provided them in a spreadsheet that can be sorted in a variety of ways, for the convenience of readers. As spreadsheets are not an ideal publication format for structured text, some of the formatting in the formal report is not present in this format.


We hope you find this report helpful.


Kind regards,


Leo Vegoda