Kind regards

Von: [] Im Auftrag von Stéphane Van Gelder
Gesendet: Montag, 5. März 2012 09:53
An: Rod Beckstrom
Cc: Jeffrey A. Moss; GNSO
Betreff: [council] Re: Root Server System

Thanks Rod,

I am copying the Council on this response so that anyone who has input or advice can provide it directly to Jeffrey.

Stéphane Van Gelder
Directeur Général / General manager
INDOM Group NBT France
Head of Domain Operations
Group NBT

Le 3 mars 2012 à 02:06, Rod Beckstrom a écrit :

Dear Stephane, 

You may be aware that there has been a recent threat of a future attack against the root-server system purporting to originate from the group Anonymous.

ICANN takes all threats against DNS infrastructure seriously, as is consistent with our technical coordination role, our role as operator of the L Root server, and ICANN's mission to maintain the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems.

We are tracking the threat and collaborating with others in the industry and greater community to ensure we are prepared.  These efforts are being led by Jeff Moss, ICANN's Chief Security Officer.

We are writing to ask you, in your role as Chair of the GNSO, if there is any advice or information that you or your members wish to share on this specific threat.  If you have information concerning the threat, or if you have any questions, please contact Jeff Moss at

We will update you with relevant information as we receive it.

