From: ICANN Community Digest <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Monday, December 4, 2023 at 10:02 AM
To: Julie Bisland <>
Subject: [Ext] NEW: Call for Expressions of Interest: ICANN Ombuds


Monday, 04 December 2023


ICANN Community Digest



The ICANN organization Policy Development Support function publishes this twice-weekly digest

to help ICANN community groups track requests and follow updates.



Do you have any ideas for improving the ICANN Community Digest?

Write to us at!


Table of Contents



·     ICANN79 Community Childcare Grants Program: Now Accepting Applications

Information Sharing

·     NEW: Call for Expressions of Interest: ICANN Ombuds

·     NEW: ICANN81 Annual General Meeting Location Announced

·     NEW: ICANN Mobile Network Operator Day 2023: Strengthening the DNS Ecosystem Security

Action Items

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Community Excellence Award Selection Panel

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN80 Fellowship Application Round Now Open

·     🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Community Excellence Award: Now Accepting Nominations

Public Comment

·     CLOSES TODAY: Draft Report of the Root Zone DNSSEC Algorithm Rollover Study






REMINDER: ICANN79 Community Childcare Grants Program: Now Accepting Applications


Grants of up to $750 per family are available for ICANN Public Meeting participants who meet the criteria, are bringing children, and will incur expenses associated with babysitting and/or local childcare services.


Deadline: Friday, 26 January 2024, at 23:59 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Read more []. []


Information Sharing


Action Items


NEW: Call for Expressions of Interest: ICANN Ombuds


ICANN opened a Call for Expressions of Interest for the ICANN Ombuds position. The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is 8 January 2024 at 23:59 UTC.


Read more. []



NEW: ICANN81 Annual General Meeting Location Announced


Istanbul, Türkiye, is the location for the ICANN81 Annual General Meeting, taking place 9–14 November 2024 at the Istanbul Congress Center. The meeting will be hosted by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK).


Read more. []




NEW: ICANN Mobile Network Operator Day 2023: Strengthening the DNS Ecosystem Security


The inaugural ICANN Mobile Network Operator Day featured presentations and panel discussions led by ICANN, the African Network Information Centre, Zambia ICT Regulation Authority (ZICTA), and Network Service Providers Association of Zambia (NSPAZ).


Read more. []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Community Excellence Award Selection Panel


ICANN Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee Leaderships are invited to appoint up to two individuals from their communities to comprise the 2024 ICANN Community Excellence Award Selection Panel by Monday, 11 December 2023.


2024 ICANN Community Excellence Award will be presented at ICANN79 in San Juan. A nomination period will be open from 13 November 2023 through 8 January 2024. ICANN is convening a community selection panel that will review the nominations and select the award recipient(s). 


It would be ideal for panelists to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms on the selection panel to ensure diversity and variety of input and equal opportunity among community members to take part in this recognition effort. 


For more information about the ICANN Community Excellence Award please see Community Excellence Award wiki space: []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN80 Fellowship Application Round Now Open


The ICANN80 meeting is scheduled for 10–13 June 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda. If ICANN80 is held virtually, the Fellowship Program will also be held virtually. The deadline to apply is 16 December 2023 at 23:59 UTC.


Read more. []



🔥 ACTION ITEM: ICANN Community Excellence Award: Now Accepting Nominations


The nomination period will close 8 January 2024 at 23:59 UTC.


The revised nomination period reflects that the presentation of the 2024 Community Excellence Award has been moved from the Policy Forum in June to the Community Forum in March.


Read more. []


Public Comment


CLOSES TODAY: Draft Report of the Root Zone DNSSEC Algorithm Rollover Study []

Open for Submissions: 19 October 2023

Closed for Submissions: 04 December 2023 




Volume 5, Issue 87 | Archive [] | Next Issue: Thursday, 07 December 2023

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