Dear Councilors, 


As per the action items from the Council meeting held at 19:00 UTC 23 September 2021, Council leadership has further reviewed and discussed the issue of scope pertaining to Recommendation 1 of the EPDP Phase 2A Final Report (“Rec #1”) that was raised by Kurt Pritz, Council member from the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG): 


So as sort of a point of order, the RySG as a prerequisite to the Council vote on this set of recommendations requests that the Council first examine the RySG request that’s in our minority statement that relates to Recommendation 1 which seeks GNSO council determination of whether the proposal contained in Recommendation 1, the creation of a mandatory data element, is out of scope with the GNSO instructions to the EPDP phase 2A team.” (See Council meeting Transcript)


The GNSO Operating Procedures state that “a point of order is raised when there is an infraction of the GNSO Operating Procedures or improper decorum in speaking. The point of order must be raised as soon as possible after the error occurs.” It is unclear to us whether the question of scope raised by the RySG in its minority statement is indeed a “point of order” to be dealt with under the GNSO Operating Procedures. Whilst we have no reason to consider that an infraction has been committed or improper characterization been made, we appreciate and understand the willingness to address the question in the first order of business, and the following is offered in this spirit.  


The Council leadership acknowledges the concern raised by the RySG. However, we believe it is within the purview of a PDP working group chair to determine/assess scope issues while a PDP WG is underway. We are also mindful that there are escalation procedures  available if members of any WG disagree with the chair’s determination (see ANNEX 1: GNSO Working Group Guidelines to the GNSO Operating Procedures).


After careful consideration of all relevant information and materials, the Council leadership agrees with the assessment by the EPDP Phase 2A Chair that Rec #1 is in scope:


It’s my view that what we are discussing here as it relates to guidance is within the scope of the EPDP charter and guidance that was given to us, the questions that were given to us.” (See EPDP Phase 2A team meeting 5 August 2021 Transcript)

We would like to share with you the following observations: 

between registrations of legal and natural persons, but are not obligated 

to do so“) (Emphasis added); 

·         ii. What guidance, if any, can be provided to Registrars and/or Registries who differentiate between registrations of legal and natural persons.


Based on the above, we are of the view that Rec #1 seems to be well in scope of the original charter questions as well the instructions that the Council provided as the creation of an additional data field(s) seems intended to facilitate differentiation for those Contracted Parties that decide to differentiate. 


Furthermore, Council leadership also notes that the EPDP Phase 2A Final Report and its recommendations (including Rec #1) have the consensus support of the EPDP Phase 2A team which indicates that most agree with Rec #1. This also seems to suggest that if the issue of scope would have been raised with the Council at an earlier stage, most would have agreed that the EPDP Phase 2A team should be permitted to consider the approach further. But having said that, no concerns were brought to the Council at any point during the EPDP Phase 2A deliberations, not at the time of the Initial Report nor thereafter. As such, we would like to suggest putting the question of scope aside so that the Council can move forward with consideration of the Final Report and its recommendations during our October meeting. 


As also indicated during the meeting, all recommendations have received the same consensus designation; as a result we plan to vote on these as a package. As a reminder, the Council is the manager of the PDP process, and in this role, the Council is expected to oversee and manage the process by which policy recommendations are developed. It is not our role to second guess the substance of recommendations that were developed by the community. 


We look forward to your feedback on our assessment and the proposed path forward.


Philippe, on behalf of Council leadership 





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