Meeting: Pre-ICANN80 GNSO Council Webinar

Date/time: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at 21:00 UTC for 60 minutes.


Before joining the call: 

Please be sure you have read the Expected Standards of Behavior 

Visit the Wiki Agenda page:  TBD

Check your time zone:  ​​


GNSO Council members are expected to join and will be panelists. Questions will be taken from GNSO Council only.


Observers are welcome and will be in listen-only mode.


Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if they will not be able to attend and/or need a dial out call,


Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: f!Ym9!npfN


If joining Zoom via Zoom App the following will be required:

Webinar ID: 922 8356 5389

Passcode: 6981311025


Or One tap mobile :

    +13462487799,,92283565389#,,,,*6981311025# US (Houston)

    +16699006833,,92283565389#,,,,*6981311025# US (San Jose)


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