Thanks Chuck. I think this is an important topic and should be discussed
in our meetings with the other ACs and SOs. But I think we as a Council
need to discuss to some degree first amongst ourselves and with the GNSO
community. If we have a better understanding of how the GNSO sees the
pros and cons, it would make for more productive meetings when we
discuss cross-AC/SO.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [council] FW: [gnso-chairs] draft discussion paper on
> cross-SO/AC working groups
> From: "Gomes, Chuck"
> Date: Thu, October 28, 2010 9:25 pm
> To:
> As I briefly mentioned in our
> meeting earlier today, a possible topic for discussion with the GAC and ccNSO
> in our joint meetings with them in Cartagena is the topic of procedures for
> joint SO/AC working groups or community working groups.  As you can see by
> Liz’s email below, I requested that Staff prepare a paper listing some of
> the issues that might need to be considered in that regard.  Please review
> this and share any comments you have and provide any opinions you have about
> suggesting this topic  to the GAC and ccNSO.  If there are any
> objections to suggesting this as a topic for either joint meeting, please let
> me know by Wednesday of next week.  If there are none, I will suggest the
> topic to Heather and Chris and send the attached discussion document as well.
> Thanks to Liz and any other
> staff members who helped develop the discussion paper.
> Chuck
> From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Liz Gasster
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [gnso-chairs] draft discussion paper on cross-SO/AC working
> groups
> All,
> On the last chairs call, Chuck suggested that it might be
> useful to encourage discussion between the GNSO Council and the ccNSO and GAC
> (and ALAC…) about the benefits and potential issues associated with
> cross-SO/AC working groups and whether/how their role might be better defined
> in the future.  To stimulate that discussion, we prepared the attached
> draft at Chuck’s request.
> The questions are just suggestions, we have not yet engaged
> in any internal consultation, and  we do think it will be important to
> consult with the General Counsel’s office to solicit their input and
> guidance.
> Please let us know if this is what you had in mind, and if
> you would like anything further.
> Thanks, Liz