Thanks for the note, Marika.

I share Avri's concern, not least because "acting first and explaining later" too often becomes "acting first and thinking later", as the perspectives of those kept outside the clique turn out to have been essential to include to form a balanced and comprehensive picture.

And no amount of post hoc rationalising ever wins you back hearts and minds.


On 26 February 2014 09:06, Avri Doria <> wrote:


I can only say that I wish this had all been done before the groups were formed as opposed to after, and that the support and advice of the SO/AC had been obtained before they were created and they began their work. This would have given them a degree of legitimacy, I for one, do not believe they can acquire through post-facto explanation.

I know there is theory in management of acting first and explaining later, and in emergencies this is can be an appropriate method. However as it becomes standard in ICANN management, it becomes less and less acceptable as a method.



On 26-Feb-14 09:56, Marika Konings wrote:
Dear All,

For your information, you can find a video with Theresa Swinehart, Sr
Advisor to the President on Strategy, on the creation of the President's
Global Advisory Groups which provides some further information on the
background and objective of these groups at

Best regards,
