Hi Nathalie (and everyone):

If it is still timely, a suggested additional topic for the Council - Board meeting: 

Brief explanation: the coincident arrival of SubPro and RPM IRTs, in addition to ongoing implementation work of the EPDP Phases I & II (and possible IIA) will require careful planning for both ICANN staff and community efforts. This topic invites the first discussion to create a plan for these parallel efforts. 

I can provide more detail why this issue has raised concerns among certain areas of the GNSO community and the hoped-for outcome of the discussion.

Thanks and best regards, 


On Feb 23, 2021, at 7:01 AM, Carlton Samuels via council <council@gnso.icann.org> wrote:

Dear All:
Referring to the GAC & GNSO Councils meeting on 24 March. In addition to the Accuracy Scoping Team matter and while Jeff may have already given the GAC a "sense-of-the-room" from Council regarding issues of interest to them from the SubPro outcomes, is there any appetite for further exploration with the GAC on such matters?  I would imagine the GAC might also be interested in engaging with matters now before us per SSAD, no?


Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
Strategy, Process, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround


On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 5:05 PM Nathalie Peregrine via council <council@gnso.icann.org> wrote:

Dear councilors,


Please find below draft topics of discussion for the GNSO Council meetings with the ccNSO, GAC and ICANN Board. Topics for the bilateral session with ICANN Board have to be submitted by Friday 26 February 2021.


Please do not hesitate to provide input and suggestions on the topics as you see fit:


ccNSO & GNSO Councils – 17 March 2021 – with input from the ccNSO

  • IDN – Suggested guest speaker:  Dennis Tan Tananka for updates on the themes and common aims on this topic.
  • IDN ccTLD Membership – The ccNSO would like to inform the GNSO on amendments to its membership rules regarding IDN ccTLDs, a point the GNSO does not have to approve but has the right to veto.
  • Sub-Pro – The GNSO should inform the ccNSO on its next steps and likely timelines following the Subsequent Procedures PDP closure.
  • SCBO & SOPC – ICANN Budgets – cooperation between the two groups and a short joint update of the mutual highlights (if any).
  • NIS-2 and DSA – Exchange on common views:: 1/ Advantage of early observation 2/ Too early to determine a course of action 3/ Experts need to be designated to keep an eye on it and update on developments.
  • « Reviews of reviews » - Multiple levels of review with potentially conflicting recommendations.  What are next steps?



GAC & GNSO Councils – 24 March 2021

  • Accuracy Scoping Team



ICANN Board & GNSO Council – 1 April 2021

  • EPDP 2 SSAD Consultation/ODP
  • SubPro ODP
  • RPM - Phase 1?


Kind regards,




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