It may be of interest that the ALAC is in the process of ratifying a statement on string confusion. You can find it at

The Board is holding a workshop at the end of next week, and I would be surprised if they did not discuss at least the .com/.cam situation, so comments *may* be timely.


At 19/09/2013 12:04 PM, Zahid Jamil wrote:
Dear Jonathan,
The BC has approved active engagement in any TF/DT on this issue and the BC would be interested in helping out with and join any such group.  The BC is currently working on a draft of its concerns with the inconsistencies and especially singulars/plurals which may help with discussions which may result in communications to the Board.
Best regards,
Zahid Jamil
Jamil & Jamil
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From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Robinson
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:31 PM
To: 'Glen de Saint Géry';
Subject: RE: [council] Action Items arising from the GNSO Council meeting 5 September 2013
Regarding Item 7:
Jonathan Robinson to send letter to the ICANN Board / new gTLD Committee that the GNSO Council has noted inconsistencies with previous GNSO recommendations in the application of string confusion decisions and will be exploring this issue further.
Please see the attached letter.
From: Glen de Saint Géry []
Sent: 06 September 2013 18:38
Subject: [council] Action Items arising from the GNSO Council meeting 5 September 2013

Dear Councillors,

Please find a summary of the action items arising from the GNSO Council meeting on 5 September 2013. We look forward to your feedback on the Council mailing list if you have questions or comments arising from any of the items.

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

Action Items:
·         Review action list to ensure all are still current / relevant
·         With regard to the BGC Recommendation on Reconsideration Request 13-3, Jonathan Robinson will pursue the item on the mailing list as to what further action is necessary
·         Jonathan Robinson will review the Projects list and identify projects ready for closure and place these on the consent agenda for the next Council meeting.

Item 3: Consent agenda

Action Items:

Item 4: DRAFT MOTION - To approve Whois Survey Working Group (WSWG)

Action Item

Item 5: INPUT & DISCUSSION – Prospective improvements to the Policy Development Process

Action Item:
Item 6: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – A PDP for relevant policies on issues not dealt with during the course of developing the 2013 RAA

Action Item:

Item 7: DISCUSSION – Policy issues surrounding string confusion

Action Items:

Item 8: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Metrics and Reporting Working Group
Action Item:
·         Staff to recirculate call for volunteers to attract additional members to this project. Councillors to encourage their members to volunteer. Should there still not be sufficient volunteers, the GNSO Council will examine the reasons for the lack of support and reconsider how to move forward on this project.

Item 9: DISCUSSION – Role and scope of the Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation

Action Items:

Item 10: DISCUSSION – GAC Engagement / Working with the Board Global Relations Committee (BGRC) WG
Item 11: DISCUSSION – Forthcoming review of the GNSO

Action Items:
·         Councillors are encouraged to provide comments from the groups / constituencies they represent see:

Item 12: UPDATE & DISCUSSION – Planning for Buenos Aires

Action Items:
Item 13:  Any Other Business (5 mins) Thank you,
Kind regards,
Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat