Dear All,


On behalf of Sebastien Ducos, lead for the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team, I am sharing with you a proposed initial response to the ICANN Board’s letter of 24 January. The idea would be that this letter is sent by the end of this week in advance of the ICANN Board – GNSO Council joint meeting at ICANN73 during which this topic is expected to be discussed further.


For your information, you will find below the most recent communication to the EPDP Phase 2 small team that sets out the proposed next steps to provide the GNSO Council with a response to the questions outlined in the assignment by the end of March. This will hopefully allow the Council to consider this input and agree on the next steps during its April meeting, or if additional time is needed, the May Council meeting at the latest. Note that you’ll have a further opportunity to discuss the timeline and proposed next steps during the upcoming Council meeting at ICANN73.


If you have any concerns/comments about the attached letter, please indicate so on the list at the latest by Thursday 3 March.


Best regards,




From: GNSO-EPDPP2-SmallTeam <> on behalf of "" <>
Date: Friday, 25 February 2022 at 11:36
To: "" <>
Subject: [GNSO-EPDPP2-SmallTeam] EPDP Phase 2 Small Team Update


Dear All,


Thank you to those who were able to provide initial input by the deadline and thank you to those who are still working on it. I appreciate that there is a lot of information to digest and consultations to undertake with your respective groups. As was previously indicated, this input is not expected to be the final determination by the small team, but the idea was that it would provide some initial indications of the common as well as different views that would allow the GNSO Council to provide the ICANN Board with a high-level update during its joint session at ICANN73.


At the same time, there is an expectation that the small team will be able to provide its input to the GNSO Council as soon as feasible as this is just the first step in a longer process. As such, I would like to suggest proposing the following to the GNSO Council with regards to next steps and timeline:





Wednesday 2 March

Initial reactions to google doc questions (Q1-7)

Small team (those that have not provided input yet)

Friday 4 March

Questions concerning ODA (Q.A-C)

Small team (those that have not provided input yet)

Thursday 3 March

Share high level summary of responses to google doc questions with small team for review (Q1-7)

Sebastien Ducos

Friday 4 March

Share high level summary of responses to google doc questions with GNSO Council (Q1-7)

Sebastien Ducos

Tuesday 8 March

Share high level summary of responses during ICANN Board – GNSO Council session (noting that this is initial input that the Council will need to consider further)

Sebastien Ducos

Wednesday 9 March

GNSO Council Meeting – update on small team progress and debrief from Council – Board meeting

GNSO Council

By 31 March

Small team to finalize its input to the GNSO Council

Small Team

14 April

GNSO Council meeting - Council to review small team input and determine response to the ICANN Board / next steps

GNSO Council

19 May

(if necessary) GNSO Council meeting - Council to review small team input and determine response to the ICANN Board / next steps

GNSO Council


Note that I do not anticipate that the work of the small team will end by 31 March. As also noted previously, regardless of the path that is ultimately chosen, whether the Board makes a determination next on whether or not to adopt all or part of the recommendations or whether the Council decides to undertake further work on the recommendations, there is a likely role for the Council to take a further look at the recommendations themselves. I anticipate that the Council will continue to lean on the expertise of this small team to assist with such an effort. I am of the view that such further consideration would benefit from informal interaction with interested Board members. This has proven to be very beneficial in instances where the ICANN Board has expressed concerns as recent experience in the context of the EPDP Phase 1 recommendation 12 demonstrated. Of course, we are already benefiting from the participation of Becky in the small team, as the Board liaison to the EPDP Phase 2, but maybe informal interaction could be considered between the small team and the Board GDPR Caucus to better help inform further consideration of potential changes / modifications. Before sharing this suggestion with the Council, I would appreciate hearing your feedback on this idea.


In preparation for ICANN73, Council leadership would like to provide the ICANN Board with an update on the work that has been undertaken to date as well as expected next steps & timing. Please find this in the proposed draft message attached. I plan to share it with the GNSO Council for its review on Monday.


I hope this approach can count on your support. As always, please feel free to share your comments and suggestions.







Sebastien Ducos

GoDaddy Registry | Senior Client Services Manager



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