Dear Avri:


Per the first paragraph of the IDNgTLD Petition Transmittal Letter:

“Pursuant to the processes established by the ICANN staff, please accept the attached Petition and proposed Charter for the Internationalized Domain Name Top Level Domain (IDNgTLD) Constituency (IDNgTLDC) that we believe most appropriately positions within the Commercial Stakeholders Group (CSG).”

Best regards,

Rob Hoggarth

On 4/20/09 5:26 AM, "Avri Doria" <> wrote:


Just to be clear, are they are applying for membership in the Commercial
Users Stakeholder Group?


On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 01:09 -0700, Robert Hoggarth wrote:
> Dear GNSO Council Members;
> For your information, attached please find a copy of the Formal
> Petition and Charter package of the proposed new IDNgTLD Constituency
> submitted formally this past weekend by Dr. S. Subbiah of,
> Inc.
> This is now the third formal new constituency petition submitted to
> the Board in the context of the GNSO Improvements effort. The Staff
> will soon open a 30-day Public Comment Forum regarding the Petition.
>  Any comments submitted in the Forum will be summarized for the
> community and Board’s review.
> I will also be sending copies of the submission package to the GNSO
> Constituencies list as an FYI.  The document will also be posted on
> the GNSO Improvements web page at
> .
> Please drop me a line if you have any questions or comments on this
> matter.
> Best regards,
> Rob Hoggarth
> Robert L. Hoggarth, Esq.
> Senior Policy Director
> 424 558 4805