Kristina, Andrei and others:

I will comment on this issue even though it is probably not necessary. When Elad first came to ICANN, he and I worked closely together on the Organization Effectiveness Initiative (OEI) - I was the exec staff lead on the project.  I found him to be a good fit with the ICANN team, intelligent by any standard, and effective in the role. I have worked with many organizational improvement consultants throughout my career and Elad's efforts to date have exhibited an effectiveness and shelf life longer than other initiatives at ICANN and elsewhere.

Also, there have been improvements since Elad has joined: internal meeting management has improved markedly, as has project planning. In addition, an OEI staff survey has led to the creation of three teams, one that is focusing on internal process improvements, one on internal communications, and the third considering employee retention and development programs. All, I think will benefit the community and ICANN's mission.

Since then, we retained Elad to bolster an HR and executive function that is short-staffed even by ICANN standards. 

So while Elad is certainly a well-rounded individual, ICANN is utlizing those talents that have a payoff for the organization. As I see it, we retained a senior-level consultant for a specific purpose and, after achieving success, he was retained as a staff member.


On Mar 9, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Rosette, Kristina wrote:

Ordinarily, I would agree that ICANN's HR policy is probably not an issue for the community.
However, under the circumstances I noted and in light of the fact that there is already someone identified to me as a "spiritual adviser" listed on the ICANN staff page (and, presumably, on the payroll), I have to disagree.
Even my 6-year-old can't make up stories this good. 

From: Andrei Kolesnikov [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 2:02 PM
To: Rosette, Kristina;
Subject: RE: [council] ICANN hires weight loss guru as vice president? 

I'm about to take back my words regarding good marketing with Mr. Clinton. This must go beyond my imagination :)
However should we address more generic question: on what level Council / Councilors can penetrate into ICANN's day to day operations and what bylaw pectorals say about it.  Is it dependable from the overall level of community dissatisfaction? Should HR policy become an issue for ICANN community? Don't think so.
I will support a contract  with alien from Jupiter and his private jet reimbursement if only this will help the gTLD process to be launched.
The Board selection process is much bigger concern IMHO.
From: [] On Behalf Of Rosette, Kristina
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 5:33 PM
To: ''
Subject: [council] ICANN hires weight loss guru as vice president?
(With credit to Kevin Murphy at DomainIncite for breaking the story)  ICANN has reportedly hired "a psychotherapist with a distinctly Buddhist bent who has previously specialized in weight loss" as Vice President for Organizational Effectiveness.;
ICANN has gone without a Director of Compliance for almost 9 months and the GNSO Council is being told that no new policy work should be initiated because of staff workload, yet ICANN focuses its resources on hiring a VP for Organizational Effectiveness?  Unbelievable and inexcusable.  Does anyone believe the organizational effectiveness has improved since Mr. Levinson was hired?      
I propose we raise this example of misplaced organizational priorities with the Board.  I'm willing to sacrifice my GAC question to do so.