Here are the Whois study recommendations from the RyC and also a slide presentation that I am happy to give in the GNSO Working Session on Saturday if it is useful.
Warning: The complete recommendations document is 25 pages long but please don't be too intimidated because the recommendations themselves only 11 pages and one of the reasons for that is that we printed all the hypotheses associated with each recommendation so that readers would not have to look them up in separate documents; hopefully that makes the document easier and efficient to review.  There is an executive summary at the beginning that provides a quick overview.  Appendix A explains our methodology and Appendix B summarizes the results of the RyC decisions made that back up our recommendations.
The PowerPoint was designed to be presented with comments so it may or may not be self-explanatory, but it might provide a quick way to get an overview of our recommendations.
You will note that our recommendations are designed with some flexibility and that our approach might provide a model that the Council could use as we work together to make our decisions.
I hope this is helpful and I apologize for the lateness of our input, but as you can probably tell, this was a fairly significant task.