Thanks, Maria. I’d just like to note that the Council needs to agree on the “roles”, right? So we would want to discuss that in our upcoming Council call. I note that the call takes place during the WSIS, and I will be in Tunisia. I will pass a proxy to Grant, and then to Philip. I’ll do my best to be on the call if possible. However, the hotels have rotary dial phones for the most part, AND, wireless often does not work in Tunisia.


The cost of the call I made while at the ICANN meeting was billed by the hotel at over $3 per minute, making an international call a real luxury for anyone. J


More comments once I’ve digested. Thanks, though for the responsiveness on the report. I can see I have a lot of reading to do! The link to the real time captioning is very helpful, by the way. Even when I’ve sat through a session, I find that I learn from reading the real time captioning! It is very helpful as a tool.


Maybe we need to be thinking of more of that..



From: [] On Behalf Of Maria Farrell
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 5:32 AM
Subject: [council] FYI - IDN Background Paper


Dear all,


Please find attached the background paper on initiatives on IDN prepared by staff.


This document is a compilation of existing work on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). It responds to the GNSO Council resolution on 22 September 2005 that “request(ed) staff to provide a background document listing all past Board decisions regarding the implementation of IDNs, and the status of the IDN guidelines” … and “establish clearly roles of:

All the best, Maria