Hi all
I have been asked to reconsider the time for the admin call and have changed  the time to better accommodate the USA.
The new time will be:
UTC 21.00 Monday 5 September which equals
Melbourne 7am Tuesday 6 September
New Zealand 9am Tuesday 6 September
Los Angeles 2pm Monday 5 September
Washington DC 5pm Monday 5 September
Sorry for changing things on people, but hopefully this accommodate more people who might want to participate on the call
Glen, sorry, but this will necessitate your rescheduling the bridge.
I am developing an agenda with Olof and will circulate it about 24 hours ahead of the call.
If you have any suggested inclusions, please forward them to Olof and I off-list (just to keep this traffic off the normal Council list).

Grant Forsyth
Manager Industry & Regulatory Affairs
Cnr Taharoto & Northcote Roads
Private Bag 92143
ph +64 9 912 5759
fx + 64 9 912 4077
Mb 029 912 5759